The Centre for Global Heritage and Development values strong connections with societal partners. One of our strong and longstanding partnerships is with ICCROM…
From 10 th to 12th October 2022, a group of 25 World Heritage site managers, from both natural, cultural and mixed sites, together with academics from all over…
2022 marks the 70th year of bilateral diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and Sri Lanka. In cooperation with the Netherlands-Sri Lanka Foundation and…
On Thursday 29 September 2022, eXtending Reality: Designing Future Cultural Heritage Experiences workshop took place at the TU Delft - faculty of engineering…
To commemorate 70 years of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and Sri Lanka, the LDE Centre for Global Heritage and Development and the Netherlands…
The student hub organised with our partners on the Atlantikwall in Den Haag in May of this year sees an exciting continuation. Through the Coherent-project, led…
Heritage can be defined as “all inherited resources which people value for reasons beyond mere utility” [1]. Hence, heritage professionals have tended to see…
Summer School: Contested Heritage and the Role of Provenance Research (part 2) by Student Reporter Catherine E. Brenner Galli Joined by an extraordinary team of…
Summer School: Contested Heritage and the Role of Provenance Research (part 1) by Student Reporter Catherine E. Brenner Galli Professionals from various…
Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Universities support initiatives which aim at co-creation of research or other programmes between faculty members of the LDE-universities…