OCMThe Centre for Global Heritage and Development values strong connections with societal partners. One of our strong and longstanding partnerships is with ICCROM, the intergovernmental organization to promote the sustainable conservation of all forms of cultural heritage worldwide. The Centre is involved with two of ICCROM’s flagship programs: The World Leadership Program (People Nature Culture Forum) and the Our Collections Matter Program. Both programs focus on the strong relations between culture and SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), the first on monuments and (World Heritage) sites, the latter on collections, libraries and archives. We have co-organized workshops and participated in seminars in recent years. 

We are looking for a new representative, among our Affiliated Scholars, who will represent the Centre in the Our Collections Matter Program. Our Collections Matter is a global network to accelerate, increase, and amplify activities that support sustainable development, through the use, development, and conservation of heritage collections. It does this by offering trainings and collecting tools on how – for example – collections can facilitate intergenerational contact and strenghten social cohesion or how collections can be used to reduce poverty and battle inequality.  But also on how museums can reduce carbon emissions or help improve local biodiversity.

You will participate in regular online meetings with the global OCM network. You will search for opportunities to collaborate, like workshops, online seminars and/or the development of tools. The Centre will contribute with seed money or search for alternative funding if necessary.

You will become part of a global and dynamic network on a very topical matter. Overall, you will become part of a global movement to demonstrate the importance of heritage collections for humanity and increase SDG literacy through collections.

The candidate can be from backgrounds as diverse as social studies, museum studies, environmental studies, science, heritage management, art studies, archival management, material studies etc. It is a volunteer position that will take a few hours per month. Ideally, the activities should fit in with your current position. Please contact Mara de Groot for more information (deadline: December 1st).


More information:
Our Collections Matter (ICCROM)