Kickstart of a new Shared Heritage project! The project 'The forgotten Holanda village: 1858-2022. A digital twin to bridge the shared heritage between Brazil…
Tomorrow (07-06-2018) during the Archaeology of the Future Symposium sale starts of a chocolate cuneiform at Rijksmuseum van Oudheden in Leiden. This tablet is…
Recently, a new thematic guide on Brazil has been published on the website of the National Archives of the Netherlands: Thematic guide “ Zeskamp ”. Local…
In 2014 the TULIPANA program was initiated with the aim of contributing to a sustainable future for the heritage of the Dutch colonies in Brazil and to create…
From August 22-26 the Nias Lorentz Workshop 'Migrant (R)e Collections was held in Leiden. The main goal was to find a template how to improve access to…
The Centre for Global Heritage and Development together with the Huygens Institute , the IISG , the University of Western Sydney and Curtin University (Perth)…