Summer School Heritage Destruction, Human Rights and International Law

Update (31-01-2019) In summer 2019 the summer school Cultural Objects, Human Rights and International Law will be organized. Follow the Grotius Centre and our newsletter and social media to be updated!

In summer 2018 (Aug 27-Sept 1) the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies and the Centre for Global Heritage and Development with the support of UNESCO Netherlands will host the first edition of the Summer School on Heritage Destruction, Human Rights and International Law in Leiden. This intense 6 days course is targeted at both students and professionals.

Intentionally destroying cultural heritage is an international wrong and, except in the case of absolute military necessity, constitutes a war crime and potentially a crime against humanity. This intense course - involving world's leading international cultural heritage law scholars - also explores the human rights dimension of heritage.

More information…
Leiden Global Interactions Advanced Seminar: ‘Heritage Destruction, Human Right…