New Visiting Scholar: Asli Hetemoglu-Venedik

Since September the Centre hosts a new Visiting Scholar: Asli Hetemoglu-Venedik. 


Asli is a conservation architect, specializing in conservation and management of cultural heritage. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in architecture from Middle East Technical University, Türkiye. She also completed her graduate education in Conservation of Cultural Heritage programme in the same university. Her master thesis entitled with Interpretation and presentation of the Byzantine Heritage at 'Herakleia ad Latmos'. She also worked for four years in UNESCO Türkiye as a culture coordinator. She is an active member of ICOMOS Türkiye since 2019. She attended and organized many seminars, conferences, workshops and exhibitions. Her research interests are mainly the management of cultural heritage, regulations and legislations in the culture field, stakeholders of heritage sector, urban heritage integration, sustainable cities and settlements, UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

She is currently a PhD candidate in the Analysis and Management of Cultural Heritage programme at IMT Lucca Advanced Studies, Italy. She conducts her works in the research unit LYNX - Center for the Interdisciplinary Analysis of Images, Contexts, Cultural Heritage in Italy. Her research project, titled ‘Re-assessment of Heritage Stakeholders in Managing Cultural Heritage: Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for Urban Heritage Sites and Monuments in Türkiye’, is focusing on the investigation of urban heritage interventions implemented via PPPs. Stakeholders’ roles, approaches, concessions, and challenges are the principal foci of the research to create a better understanding of PPPs in urban historic centres. Determining gains and losses of PPPs offers a heritage impact assessment tool for PPPs to propose a well-established mechanism. She also investigates the case ‘Hotel Derlon’ in Maastricht to analyse the Dutch mechanism in terms of the management of cultural heritage. How did the PPP mechanism of constructing a private-function hotel on Roman ruins develop? It will be discussed whether it should be considered a public interest or whether the intrinsic values of cultural heritage are used for economic benefit.

Asli's work is supervised by Dr. Monique van den Dries.  Asli will coninue her research in the Netherlands until December 2023. Feel free to reach out (  if you would like to hear more about her work or have some interesting leads for Asli.