On June 15th, during the Centre for Digital Heritage Meeting 2017, a LeidenGlobal photo exhibition will be opened at the Faculty of Archaeology. The photo exhibition is centered around the theme 'Heritage on the Move'.

The photographs of the exhibition are provided by scholars of LeidenGlobal partners, after al call from LeidenGlobal to send an image that reflects their vision on 'Heritage on the Move'. Out of almost 50 submissions, LeidenGlobal carefully chose 12 photographs to participate in the exhibition.
Heritage on the Move
Cultural Heritage is often understood in terms of local identity alone, but in fact it travels across the globe; and it has done so since times immemorial. In this process people may change, but so does the cultural heritage on the move.
Exhibition on the Move
The photo exhibition itself will travel around, to show it not only to the different faculties and institutes of Leiden University, but also to a broader public to show that there is a lot of expertise in Leiden of cultures from all around the world. A first glimpse of the exhibition can be seen on June 6th at Museum Volkenkunde, where prof. dr. Mark Rutgers, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities of Leiden University, will launch the first LeidenGlobal photo exhibition during the Annual LeidenGlobal Lecture. At Museum Volkenkunde the exhibition can only been visited on June 6th during the LeidenGlobal event. The first official location to visit the exhibition is the Faculty of Archaeology, where the exhibition will be opened on June 15th during the Centre for Digital Heritage Meeting 2017. The photo exhibition will be at the Archaeology Faculty for a few weeks.
Click here for more information on the Launch & LeidenGlobal Lecture and registration.
Click here for more information on the Centre for Digital Heritage Meeting 2017 and registration.