Landscape biography

A landscape biography tells the layered life story of a landscape: how it has developed in the continuous interaction between humans and nature. It comprises an in-depth exploration of the genesis of a landscape over time, involving both physical and immaterial dimensions and integrating knowledge from a variety of disciplines.

From the start in 2014 the Centre for Global Heritage and Development has been active in developing and promoting the methodology.  Landscape Biographies was launched in 2015. We offered several lectures and workshops in the Netherlands and abroad, and launched a (Dutch) course in 2021An English edition of the course is scheduled for 2023. We also published several articles on LB and even made a short documentary!

In the coming year we are planning much more LB activities! Subscribe to our newsletter to stay tuned. 

If you are interested to have a Landscape Biography made for your project, or attend a course, please contact us! 
