Call for participants Filmmaking Workshop in Athens

In October 2019 the Faculty of Archaeology from Leiden University,  under the sponsorship of the Dutch Institute in Athens and the Centre for Global Heritage and Development, organises another filmmaking workshop, this time in Athens, Greece.

It will be a one week intensive workshop, in which last years-BA, Master and PhD students in archaeology, anthropology and heritage studies will have the opportunity to pair up with local students, get training in audiovisual tools as well as collaborative strategies with local stakeholders. In particular, we will focus on the relationships between Athens’ dwellers and their archaeological heritage. As one of the major archaeological attractions of the world, the city receives almost 30 million tourists every year, affecting the livelihoods of locals. We shall focus on the local relationship with archaeologists, archaeological projects, excavations and heritage. The workshop will consist of theoretical and methodological training during the week and will include screenings and discussions during the last day.

Course period, dates and times
The course consists of 7 intensive days with lectures and field research. The first course day will be on the 6st of October, the last on the 13th, and the presentations of students will take place on October 13th. Daily classes will be scheduled between 10.00 to 15.00 (depending on courses), including lunch break. The rest of the time, students will conduct field research. Students are able to arrive on the 4th or 5th of October and are expected to depart on the 14th.

Only outstanding students in their last BA year, or enrolled in a Master, Research Masters and PhD track at the time of the workshop can participate in the seminar. Students can apply by sending an application form (which can be downloaded from the website of the Dutch institute in Athens) to Dr. Tryfon Bampilis at The number of participating students is limited (max. 20 students), so we encourage early registration. Selecting criteria will apply. Deadline: August 26!

Costs and subsidies
The total cost of the course is 300€ for all students registered at E.U. universities including accommodation. Same fees will apply for students registered at universities in developing countries in Asia, Africa and Central/South America. Overseas (non-EU) fees are 550€ including accommodation.  If students chose to seek accommodation independently, then the cost of the course is only 150€.  Students are expected to cover their airplane return ticket from the country of origin to Athens, their lunch and dinner costs. 

LDE Scholarship
With the support of the Centre for Global Heritage and Development students from LDE Universities (Leiden, Delft, Erasmus Rotterdam) can obtain a full grant (€300) to cover the course and accommodation fees if they produce an audiovisual report of the workshop to be published on the CGHD website. Please contact Dr. Ortiz for more information. 

More information
Application Filmmaking workshop